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Driada Medical – Mentolad 50 mg/10ml (Trestolone Acetate)

Trestolone (7alpha-methyl-19-n/ testosterone/ Ment) or trestolone was one of several 19-nortestosterone derivatives considered as a possible male contraceptive therapy due to its unique chemical properties. Initially, drug companies were combining progesterone with testosterone in order to produce a viable male contraceptive option due to progesterone's ability to suppress spermatogenesis.

Mentolad 50 mg/ml (Trestolone acetate) 10ml vial

Driada medical "Mentolad " (Trestolone acetate) or just trestolone was one of several 19-nortestosterone derivatives considered as a possible male contraceptive therapy due to its unique chemical properties. Initially, drug companies were combining progesterone with testosterone in order to produce a viable male contraceptive option due to progesterone's ability to suppress spermatogenesis.