Showing all 4 results

Driada Medical – Drostargos 200 mg/10ml (Drostanolone Enanthate)

Driada medical "Drostargos" (Drostanolone Enanthate) is an anabolic androgenic steroid with short and complex esters, known worldwide as Masteron Enanthate. The product is a modified form of DHT. There are many anabolic steroids in the DHT product family, some of which are very popular, namely Oxandrolone / Anavar / Stanozolol / Winstrol / Methenolone / Primobolan, etc. DHT products are so popular and beneficial in the bodybuilding world because they cannot convert / aromatize into estrogen. Any hormone derived from DHT will have the same qualities. Drostanolone has normal anabolic and androgenic activity. Drostanolone base is five times more androgenic than testosterone, with a much stronger affinity for binding to the androgen receptor. Drostanolone makes the brain more cerebral and can speed up the fat burning process.

Driada Medical – Mastelad 100 mg/10ml (Drostanolone Propionate)

Driada medical "Mastelad" (Drostanolone Propionate) is an anabolic androgenic steroid, which is the propionate salt form of a synthetic anabolic steroid. Drostanalone Propionate is a drug with characteristics similar to testosterone, which is related to dihydrotestosterone and has anti-estrogenic effects. This product is very popular with most athletes as it has potent anti-estrogenic properties, even when taken too far. This often means that no matter what dose you inject, your estrogen levels will not be exceeded. The biggest feature of the drug is the negative estrogen reaction, which does not bother the user of this drug. Remember that DHT, the base of drostanolone, is five times more androgenic than testosterone. Drostanalone Propionate contributes to a more powerful appearance and accelerates the fat burning process. Dromostanolone suppresses breast cancer. Virilizing effects severely limit its clinical value.

Drostargos 200 mg/ml (Drostanolone Enanthate) 10ml vial

Driada medical "Drostargos" (Drostanolone Enanthate) is an anabolic androgenic steroid with short and complex esters, known worldwide as Masteron Enanthate. The product is a modified form of DHT. There are many anabolic steroids in the DHT product family, some of which are very popular, namely Oxandrolone / Anavar / Stanozolol / Winstrol / Methenolone / Primobolan, etc. DHT products are so popular and beneficial in the bodybuilding world because they cannot convert / aromatize into estrogen. Any hormone derived from DHT will have the same qualities. Drostanolone has normal anabolic and androgenic activity. Drostanolone base is five times more androgenic than testosterone, with a much stronger affinity for binding to the androgen receptor. Drostanolone makes the brain more cerebral and can speed up the fat burning process. RANGE AND DURATION OF USE: Please consult your healthcare professional or specialist doctor. Driada Medical is not responsible for your health, the description is for informational purposes only. STORAGE: Store at 20 °C to 25 °C (68°F to 77°F). MANUFACTURER: Driada Medical. CLASS: Anaboli, androgenic steroid.

Mastelad 100 mg/ml (Drostanolone Propionate) 10ml vial

Driada medical "Mastelad" (Drostanolone Propionate) is an anabolic androgenic steroid, which is the propionate salt form of a synthetic anabolic steroid. Drostanalone Propionate is a drug with characteristics similar to testosterone, which is related to dihydrotestosterone and has anti-estrogenic effects. This product is very popular with most athletes as it has potent anti-estrogenic properties, even when taken too far. This often means that no matter what dose you inject, your estrogen levels will not be exceeded. The biggest feature of the drug is the negative estrogen reaction, which does not bother the user of this drug. Remember that DHT, the base of drostanolone, is five times more androgenic than testosterone. Drostanalone Propionate contributes to a more powerful appearance and accelerates the fat burning process. Dromostanolone suppresses breast cancer. Virilizing effects severely limit its clinical value. RANGE AND DURATION OF USE: Please consult your healthcare professional or specialist doctor. Driada Medical is not responsible for your health, the description is for informational purposes only. STORAGE: Store at 20 °C to 25 °C (68°F to 77°F). MANUFACTURER: Driada Medical. CLASS: Anaboli, androgenic steroid.